Some Acronyms...
Example: RDF
RDF: Resource Description Framework
RDF: Resource Description Framework (W3C)
RDF: Radial Distribution Function
RDF: Radio Direction Finder(ing)
RDF: Rapid Deployment Force
RDF: Rate Decrease Factor (ATMF)
RDF: Rate Distortion Function
RDF: Raw Data File
RDF: Reaction Data File
RDF: Reality-Distortion Field (attribute shared by charismatic leaders, like Steve Jobs of Apple Computers where the term originated)
RDF: Record Definition Field
RDF: Recursive Digital Filter
RDF: Recycling Disposal Facility
RDF: Refuse-Derived Fuel
RDF: Remote Delivery Facility (Pentagon Renovation Project)
RDF: Remote Diagnostic Facility
RDF: Remote Distribution Frame (Sprint)
RDF: Repeater Distribution Frame (ITU-T)
RDF: Reserve Defence Force (Irish Army)
RDF: Resource Description Format
RDF: Revised Delivery Forecast
RDF: Robotech Defense Force (Macross, Anime)
RDF: Robust Dependent Fault
RDF: Route Designator Field
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